Editor-in-Chief: Professor Nina Petrovna Khriashcheva (Russia, Ekaterinburg, USPU).

executive editor:

translations editor:

executive secretary: Deputy Director Sumenkova Elena Mikhailovna (Russia, Ekaterinburg, USPU)



Deputy editors-in-chief:

in folklore and the history of ancient Russian literature:

in the history of ancient Russian literature and the 18th century Russian literature:

in the history of the 19th century Russian literature:

in the theory of literature; in Silver Age of Russian Poetry^

in the history of the 20th-early 21st centuries Russian literature:

in the theory of language and speech communication:

in applied linguistics and interdisciplinary methods in philology:

in the theory of foreign literature and English literary classics: 

in contemporary British novel and translation issues:

in German-language literature of Modernism (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), theory and practice of translation, and comparative-historical and typological linguistics:

in German-language literature, Russian-German literary ties, imageology and literary translation:

in the history of French, typology and comparative linguistics:

in Romance linguistics and comparative pragmatics:

in literary education technologies and teaching classical literature at higher and secondary school:

in methodology and methods of teaching modern literature at higher and secondary school:

in modern education technologies and innovative processes in education:

in the theory and practice of teaching Russian in a polycultural environment of higher and secondary school:


Editorial Council