The journal Philological Class publishes research results in three groups of research areas: literary studies, linguistics, theory and methods of teaching language and literature. The journal accepts original materials never published before in any form: scholarly-conceptual articles; studies presenting results of fundamental research in the field of literary studies and linguistics, theory and methods of teaching these disciplines.
Preference is given to papers carrying out complex analysis, employing comparative research strategies, characterized by an innovative approach to teaching Russian language and literature at various levels of education and polemical in nature.
How do I send an article to the Editor?
Authors are obliged to abide by the principles of academic ethics.
Privacy Statement
Personal information provided by authors to the journal Philological Class including names and e-mail addresses will be used exclusively for the purposes of scholarly publication. The Editorial Board shall not make personal information available for the third party that may use it for other purposes.
Copyright Notice
Authors who publish articles in the journal Philological Class agree to the following:
- Authors retain copyright of the work and provide the journal right of first publication of the work.
- Authors retain the right to enter into certain contractual agreements relating to the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work in the form published here (e.g., storing it in an institutional repository, publication in a book, etc.), with reference to its original publication in this journal.
- Authors retain the right to use print or electronic preprints of the unpublished manuscript having the form and contents as accepted by the Publisher for publication in the Journal. Such preprints may be posted as electronic files on the website of the Author (Co-authors) or on a secure external website of the employer of the Author (Co-authors) of the Article but should not be used for commercial sale or systematic external distribution by a third party. The Author (Co-authors) should: 1) include in the Preprint the following warning: “This is a Preprint of the Article accepted for publication in the journal Philological Class, (C), copyright (year)”; 2) give an electronic link to the Publisher’s website
- Authors retain the right to make photocopies or pass on the copy of the printed Article, either in its integrity or a part, to colleagues for personal or professional use, for the promotion of academic or scientific research or for informational purposes of the employer.
- Authors retain the right to use the materials from the published Article in the book or extended article written by the Author (Co-authors).
- Authors retain the right to use individual figures or tables and text extracts from the Article for personal teaching purposes or inclusion in another work (with a reference to its original publication in the journal), or for publication in electronic format in an internal (protected) computer network or external website of the Author (Co-authors) or his/her employer.
- Authors retain to the right to include the materials of the Article in education packs for the use in the classroom, for free distribution of the materials among the students of the Author (Co-authors) or save the materials in electronic format on a local server for the access by students as part of their educational course, as well as for internal training programs in the institution of the employer.
Cost of publication
1. The cost of publication under the grant is 15,000 rubles.
2. The cost of publishing non-grant articles is 9,000 rubles.
The price includes the following paid services:
a) editing the abstract and summary in Russian and English;
b) editing the text of the article (including in foreign languages);
c) editing the list of references and References in accordance with the Requirements
specified on the website.
3. Graduate students, employees of USPU are published free of charge.
The text edited by the translator and the editor is sent to the author in the editing mode together with the service payment agreement.
When considering articles intended for the section "Problems of Poetics of Foreign Literature", the editorial board gives preference to materials in foreign languages.
The article must have no more than two authors.
Article Formatting Requirements
- The original of the manuscript is submitted in electronic format. The metadata and the text of the manuscript should be arranged in the following order: the title of the article (in Russian); surname and initials of the author (in Russian); university name (in Russian); country, city (in Russian); orcid; abstract and keywords (in Russian); the title of the article (in English); Name, patronymic initial, surname (in English); university name (in English); country, city (in English); orcid; abstract and keywords (in English); text of the article; the list “Literature” and “References”; information about the author in Russian and English.
- If the article is written in English, German or French, first comes the title of the article (in English); first name, first letter of patronymic, surname of the author (in English); affiliation (university, country, city) in English; orcid; abstract and the keywords (in English), title of the article (in Russian); surname and initials of the author (in Russian); university name (in Russian); country, city (in Russian); orcid; text of the article, the lists “Literature” and “References”, and information about the author in Russian and English. It is required that an article in German and French should be accompanied by the title, key words and the abstract in the relevant language.
- All papers have to be written in Word 6.0/7.0 (.doc or .rtf formats), font Times New Roman, font size 14, line spacing 1.5, paragraph indentation 0.7 (selected in the menu). If you use a non-standard font, please, attach a file with the font to your email, and attach a PDF copy of the article. Language material used for illustration should be italicized. Single quotation marks (‘’) are used to specify lexical meaning, angle quotes («») are used to mark quotations, English double quotation marks (“”) single out a quote inside a quotation, and semantic emphasis can be expressed by spacing.
- Research articles should contain at least 28,000 characters and cannot have more than 52,000 characters including spaces; longer articles can be published after approval of the editorial board.
- The main body of the text should be well structured and contain the following sections: Introduction, Research Methods, Research Aim, Discussion and Findings, Conclusions. Thus, the author(s) should provide a brief overview of the previous studies on the topic of the article, formulate research methods and analytical techniques explicitly, present their own research supplementing it with the necessary illustrations, and formulate the conclusions.
- Footnotes should be given at the bottom of the page with continuous numbering.
- References to the literature should be placed after the text (in alphabetical order). References in the body of the text and footnotes are given in square brackets according to the model: [Name or title, year: page]. Sample: The unusual situation, garden alleys, about which D. S. Likhachev wrote that their twilight is the main feature of the Russian garden, from which "life, animality, and God are born" [Likhachev 1998: 419-421].
- The second list of References must follow the international system adopted by the Journal. All Cyrillic names are transliterated according to the BSI transliteration system.Title of the list: «References».
Lavrent’eva, E. A. (2017). Temy i variatsii v «knige khudozhnika» [Themes and variations in the “Book of the Artist”]. In Dekorativnoe iskusstvo i predmetno-prostranstvennaya sreda. Vestnik MGKhPA. No. 2, pp. 185–192.
Meisel, J. M. (1994). Code-switching in bilingual children: The acquisition of grammatical constraints. In Studies in Second Language Acquisition. Vol. 16. Issue 4, pp. 413–439. DOI: 10.1017/S0272263100013449.
Journal articles
Lipatov, V. A. (2014). Avantekst «dembel’skikh al’bomov» [Avantext of “Demobilian Albums”]. In Dvizhenie vremeni i zakony zhanra: XVIII Vserossiiskaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya slovesnikov «Leidermanovskie chteniya». Ekaterinburg, pp. 69–74.
Chertov, V. F. (Ed.). (2018). Sovremennoe literaturnoe obrazovanie: ot shkol‘nykh urokov k zhizni v kul‘ture [Modern literary education: from school lessons to life in a culture]. Moscow, Ekon-Inform. 223 p.
Monographs and other books
Aleinikov, O. Yu. (2013). Andrei Platonov i ego roman «Chevengur» [Andrey Platonov and his novel “Chevengur”]. Voronezh, NAUKA-YUNIPRESS. 222 p.
Podlubnova, Yu. (2020). Uslovnaya reka absolyutnoi lyubvi [The conditional river of absolute love]. In Kniga o 4‑m tome ASUP: kollektivnaya monografiya. Chelyabinsk, Izdatel’stvo Mariny Volkovoi, pp. 117–130.
Collected works
Karamzin, N. M. (2009). Polnoe sobranie sochinenii: v 18 t. [The complete set of works, in 18 vols]. Moscow, TERRA-Knizhnyy klub. Vol. 18: Pis’ma. 624 p.
Electronic resources
Smirnov, I. (2005). O groteske I rodstvennykh emu kategoriyakh [About grotesque and the related categories]. In Semiotika strakha : sb. statei. Moscow, Russkii institute, Evropa, pp. 204–221. URL: (mode of access: 16.05.2020).
Sverdlov, M. (2004). Romanticheskii grotesk: Gofman [Romantic grotesque: Gofman]. In Literatura («PS»). No. 4. URL: (mode of access: 10.05.2020).
Theses and thesis abstracts
Malyaeva, T. A. (2014). Poema V. V. Mayakovskogo «Pro eto». Istoriya sozdaniya. Poetika. Kritika [The poem “About this” by V. V. Mayakovsky. The history of creation. Poetics. Critique]. Dis. … kand. filol. nauk. Moscow. 228 p.
Artemova, E. Yu. (1990). Kul’tura i byt Rossii poslednei treti XVIII veka v zapiskakh frantsuzskikh puteshestvennikov [Culture and life of Russia in the last third of the 18th century in notes of French travelers]. Avtoref. dis. … kand. ist. nauk. Moscow.
Archives (full forms must be provided for abbreviations in the language of the original and as a transliterated version and provided as a separate list at the end of all References)
GAVO (DAVO) [State Archive of Vinnytsia Region]. Stock 1. List 1. Dos. 5, 47; Stock 1. List 1. Dos. 43, 44, 45.
ARAN [Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. Stock 1574. List 4. Dos. 90.
Normative documents, websites, newspapers are indicated in the text of the article in the form of footnotes. Archival sources are made out in a separate list ("List of sources") before the "List of references".
Please do not put the listed types of sources in the "List of references".
Please, pay attention to spaces and punctuation!
- The reference list should be objectively correct and academically complete and should contain at least 15 sources. For articles on practical teaching methods (sections «Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language», «Problems of the Modern Methods of Teaching Russian Language and Literature», «Theory and Practice of the Modern Lesson») the number of sources can be reduced.
The title of articles does not need to be transliterated - just translate them into English. The names of journals must be transliterated and translated.
The translated into English list of literature is headed References.
It is preferable to cite articles included in the international databases (IDB). It is less desirable to cite monographs, especially «outdated» ones. The publication data of archival materials should not be included in the general reference list, but must be provided in the footnotes.
In addition, the authors’ ORCID ID should be provided in the article (examples and requirements can be retrieved at
In addition to the main body of the text, the following information should be provided in Russian and English:
1) Information about the author(s): Full family name, first name and patronymic; scientific degree, rank and appointment; affiliation to organization; department, author’s ORCID ID.
2) Contact information (e-mail, postal address for shipping and publication in the journal).
3) Title of the article.
4) Abstract (it should summarize the content of the article in min 250 words and should include the following aspects: scope and object, topic, aim, methods or methodology, findings, sphere of outcome application, conclusions).
5) Keywords (5-10 words).
Manuscripts can be submitted for consideration through the journal site:
The articles that do not meet the formatting requirements, published on the journal website, are not accepted for consideration.
In case of any questions, please, contact the executive secretary Makarova Lyudmila Yur'evna, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.