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Quasi-modal Verbs in American English
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DOI: 10.26170/2071-2405-2024-29-4-86-92.
Abstract (original): The article analyzes such a unique linguistic phenomenon as structural-systemic simplification, indicating the pro-cess of autonomization of American English in the macrosystem of World Englishes. Linguistic simplification is the dynamic pro-cess of separating American English from British English. Simplification of any language is based on the strategy of speech production in the communicative register. The article focuses on the aspect of grammatical simplification of the language on the material of some quasi-modal verbs. The urgency of the research is quite obvious and can be explained by the need for a comprehensive study of the structural-systemic simplification of American English, which underlies its autonomy in the macrosystem of World Englishes. The scope of the study embraces structural-systemic simplification, while the research object includes the grammatically competitive quasi-modal units be going to and gonna; have to / have got to and gotta; want to and wanna. The aim of the article consists in the need to analyze the impact of linguistic simplification on the autonomization of American English in the system of global English. In connection with this aim, the main tasks of the article are: a) to outline the sociohistorical and sociocultural aspect of the isolation of American English in the macrosystem of World Englishes; b) to identify the extralinguistic prerequisites for the for-mation of grammatically competitive quasi-modal units; c) to describe the grammaticalization of quasi-modal verbs, as well as to predict the possibility of its status segregation in the communicative register. The theoretical significance of the article can be attributed to the possibility of providing new data in the field of linguistic variantology of the English language regarding the position of American English in the macrosystem of World Englishes.
Key words (original): language simplification; quasi-modal verbs; macrosystem of World Englishes; language autonomy; processuality; diversification; prototypical grammatical constructions
Для цитирования:
Жирова, И. Г. Квазимодальные глаголы в американском варианте английского языка / И. Г. Жирова // Филологический класс. – 2024. – Том 29 ⋅ №4. – С. 86-92. DOI 10.26170/2071-2405-2024-29-4-86-92..
For citation
Zhirova, I. G. (2024). Quasi-modal Verbs in American English. In Philological Class. 2024. Том 29 ⋅ №4. P. 86-92. DOI 10.26170/2071-2405-2024-29-4-86-92..
Об авторе (авторах) :
Жирова И. Г.
Государственный университет просвещения (Москва, Россия)
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5684-3005
SPIN-код: 3713-1385
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