Article: PDF
DOI: 10.26710/fk18-02-13
Abstract: The article is devoted to Gorky's influence on the development of national literature, which was an integral part of the Soviet literature. The problem posed in the article allows to cover extensive materials (art, memoir, epistolary, documentary, etc.), and, at the same time, is strategically important for the development of geopolitics of the century as a whole. The novelty of Gorky's approach to the development of national literature was that he always considered them along with Russian as part of a unified Soviet literature. His organizational activity (both pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary) was aimed at uniting national literature. The article raises the problem of the creative influence of the writer's works on the national literature, the issues of Gorky's mentoring, and the issues of the relationship between Russian authors and authors-nationalists. The study of the history of the development of national literature in the context of the Soviet literature, involves the analysis of translations of Gorky's works into the languages of the peoples of the USSR, as well as the works about Gorky in different languages. All this allows us to conclude that the stated topic is one of the important strategic directions of the study of the literary process of the twentieth century. The study of the problem suggests the use of a set of methods of source analysis, while the sources are biographical, memoir, and epistolary materials. The period can be divided into two periods: pre-revolutionary period, i. e. 1892–1917, and Soviet period, i. e. 1920–1930-ies. This allows to see a kind of movement in the first stage from educational to organizational activities in the second. The declared theme is revealed in the context of M. Gorky's works, which are considered through the prism of the heritage of national literature.

For citation

Bystrova, O. V. M. Gorky’s influence on the development of national literature / O. V. Bystrova. In Philological Class. 2018. №2 (52). P. 76-82. DOI 10.26710/fk18-02-13 .