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DOI: 10.26710/fk18-03-07
Abstract: Oberiuts, Daniil Kharms and Alexander Vvedensky experimented with the word and made part of their poetic program a rejection of discursiveness. The incomprehensibility of the avant-garde text was canonized by the cult of the avant-garde. However, the scientific approach requires to find the place of oberiuts heritage in the historical and literary process of the time. The closest context of Vvedensky's work is his belonging to the circle of admirers of Velimir Khlebnikov. In the light of the historicalliterary approach, the poem «Minin and Pozharsky» is connected with the historiosophy of V. Khlebnikov. N. Stepanov pointed to the important factor for Khlebnikov of the national language and history, the richness of the roots of the Russian past in its connections with the East, which enables the researcher to talk about a peculiar version of Khlebnikov's Slavophilism. The Khlebnikov tradition allows us to establish horizons of social polemics of the Vvedensky poem, which was created on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the revolution. That was the time of NEP, the triumph of the struggle for a new way of life. Its outcome, according to Trotsky's plan, was the destruction of the national way of life, the national culture and universal unification in the Western manner as a demand for a new Soviet civilization. Following Khlebnikov, Vvedensky selects the turning points in Russian history and compares them with modern history. In the depiction of the heroes of «Smutnoye vreya» Times, Vvedensky was guided by the historiography of the nineteenth century. The internal chronology of the poem combines the events of three great wars, 1612, 1709, 1812 and the Civil War, which merged into a powerful, national-patriotic accord. His symbolic hero is the Martos monument of Minin and Pozharsky on the Red Square. The poem is based on associative chain that guides the reader through Pushkin's military-historical texts, «Poltava», «Pugacheva», «The Captain's Daughter», and modern texts by Yesenin and Khlenikov. The poem finds a new historical marker, signifying the tragedy of the revolution, the tragedy of the Cossacks, the tragedy of the Russian patriarchal peasant country. The Vvedensky poem is a new characteristic feature of the Russian futurism oriented to the national culture and values, which will soon be reflected in the journal «New Lef».

For citation

Moskovskaya, D. S. The historical narrative of the poem by Alexander Vvedensky «Minin and Pozharsky» / D. S. Moskovskaya. In Philological Class. 2018. №3 (53). P. 48-53. DOI 10.26710/fk18-03-07 .