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Anglicisms Ending in -ing in Russian and Slovak Languages
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- Article: PDF
DOI: 10.26170/FK20-01-05
Abstract: This article focuses on the functioning of Anglicisms ending in -ing in the Russian and Slovak languages, pseudo-Anglicisms, and the reasons for the active borrowing of such words at present, as well as the controversy between linguists, historians, and politicians about the role and place of borrowing in a historical context. This study aims to trace the dynamics of Anglicisms in the contemporary Russian and Slovak languages via the descriptive and comparative methods. The quantitative estimation method is also used in this work.
The study examines the main points of view on the issues of borrowing in Russian and Slovak linguistics: positive, negative and neutral. The focus is on the formal marker -ing and its word-building potential, which still causes controversy among linguists. One of the aims of the study is to identify the most frequent lexical groups of words with the suffix -ing. As a result of the study, the author makes a conclusion that the Russian and the Slovak languages codify words with this formal marker in different ways. Some words, recorded in the Slovak dictionaries, are found in Russian on the periphery of the lexicon. The author believes that the invasion of Anglicisms ending in -ing is just a passing trend. Most of these words are easily replaced by the native language analogues. On the other hand, some anglicisms describe this or that notion/process more accurately, significantly saving space. Certain research interest is aroused by pseudo-Anglicisms illustrating authored poetic works with marked expressive evaluation. It can be assumed that the number of Anglicisms with the suffix -ing might increase every year, since they reflect the intensification of socio-economic processes in society.
For citation
Iermachkova, O. (2020). Anglicisms Ending in -ing in Russian and Slovak Languages. In Philological Class. 2020. Vol. 25 ⋅ №1. P. 51-61. DOI 10.26170/FK20-01-05.