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The Number One, or in the Gardens of Artistic Possibilities of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya
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DOI: 10.26170/FK20-02-26
Abstract: The review focuses on I. I. Plekhanova’s monograph “Principles of Petrushevskaya’s Artistic Game” (2019), which is dedicated to revealing the creative position of a modern writer. Combination of literary, philosophical, cultural, and psychological approaches is demonstrated as a method of studying not only the artistic world of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya but her creative intellection. It is noted that the researcher clarifies and deepens such concepts as “ritual”, “game”, “theatricality”, which are applicable to the analysis of Petrushevskaya’s artistic system. Introducing a collection of poems by Petrushevskaya into scientific areal, Plekhanova defines the character of the lyrical subject as a naive type due to natural sincerity, unselfish spontaneity and “simple” logic of reasoning. The main attention is focused on the term “artistry” introduced by I. I. Plekhanova in relation to the creative system of Petrushevskaya. The authors of review notice how the scientific hypothesis works in the character system, axiological paradigm, and stylistic features. Attention is focused on how Petrushevskaya’s creative system is included in the literary process of the XX–XXI centuries.
For citation
Bryukhanova, Yu. M., Podrezova, N. N. (2020). The Number One, or in the Gardens of Artistic Possibilities of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya (Review of the monograph: Plekhanova I. I. Principles of Petrushevskaya’s Artistic Game. Moscow, FLINTA, 2019). In Philological Class. 2020. Vol. 25 ⋅ №2. P. 286-292. DOI 10.26170/FK20-02-26.