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Didactization of the Russian Germans’ Literature: A Lesson on Victor Klein’s Poem “Jungengespräch”
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DOI: 10.26170/FK20-03-21
Abstract: One of the urgent problems of studying national literatures is the need for didactization of literary works. Such a problem is faced by the literature of Russian Germans. In order for Russian-German literature to become a subject of study at school lessons, as well as at universities, it is important not only to organize the process, but also to didacticize it, i.e. to create the necessary methods support materials of the lessons. The reader is offered a plan-summary of the work of the author – Russian German Victor Klein. The purpose of the study is to consider the content and structure of Victor Klein’s poem “Jungengespräch” in the aspect of didactization. The aim of the lesson is to stimulate a holistic analysis of the poem “Jungengespräch” in the context
of the artistic originality of Victor Klein’s poetry.
The target audience of the lesson: students of the Institute of Ethnocultural Education (Moscow), for whom the author of the article wrote a curriculum in the literature of Russian Germans, and students of philological faculties, studying German. The equipment and materials used comprise the works by Victor Klein, memoires about him, illustrative material for the lesson (portraits of Victor Klein and his contemporaries, covers of his books), a projector, a geographical map of the Soviet Union, handouts (cards), and audio recordings of the memoires about Victor Klein. The methods tools include elements of discussion, a form of a “round table”, elements of a conference, communication in “small polemical groups”, basket method, expressive reading, melodic recitation, graphic schemes, and an experiment with an archreader. Since the German language is simultaneously one of the languages of world significance and one of the languages of the peoples of Russia, the literature of Russian Germans is an educational material that is indicative for the study of both Germanic and the ethnic worldview and culture of one of the minorities of Russia. The lesson based on Victor Klein’s poem “Jungengespräch” is aimed at creating an individual pattern of perception of this work in each reader: how many readers, so many poems of “Jungengespräch”. The emphasis during the lesson is on the formation of the students’ worldview as a three-dimensional, polyocular picture, including ethnic diversity
Key words: Literature of Russian Germans; national literature; Victor Klein; didacticization; lesson plan-summary.
For citation
Seifert, E. I. (2020). Didactization of the Russian Germans’ Literature: A Lesson on Victor Klein’s Poem “Jungengespräch”. In Philological Class. 2020. Vol. 25 ⋅ №3. P. 244-250. DOI 10.26170/FK20-03-21.