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Masonic Constituent of Andrey Bely’s “Petersburg”
- Hits: 973
- Article: PDF
DOI: 10.26170/FK20-04-02
Abstract: The article explores the system of images of the novel Petersburg by A. Bely as a salient example of the author’s creative manner. The purpose of the article is to discover the linguistic factors that ensure the unity of the texts and produce their originality in the context of the aesthetic and ideological priorities of the writer.
To achieve this goal, the authors use the methods of semantic and imagery analysis, which make it possible to identify the meanings attributed to various units of the textual whole and to reasonably establish the interaction between them. The main results of the study include the following statements. The integrity of the texts is ensured by the presence of symbols from Masonic sphere. These symbols are embodied in different ways; all linguistic levels are involved in their translation: from phonetic to textual, which in their totality enable the writer to convey the semantic content of these symbols. They are equally represented in the character and object areas and are constantly duplicated by means of a set of various types of synonymous substitutions. The areas of application of these results can include different levels of teaching Russian literature, monographic description
of the style and ideological preferences of Bely, the subsequent identification of mechanisms for the translation
of complex semantic units in the language of fiction and beyond. The following conclusions are based on the actual research results. When creating his texts, Bely did not confine himself to an exclusively artistic way of cognition and reflection of reality. He equally freely used artistic, scientific, everyday and religious methods. As a result, he produced synthetic writing, which later became of paramount importance for world literature. The use of this type of writing can be considered one of the ways in which Bely opposed himself to his father, a representative
of the scientific method of cognition.
Key words: Mystical space; esoteric images; anthroposophical practices; masonic symbol; “father – son” conflict.
For citation
Shuneyko, A. A., Chibisova, O. V. (2020). Masonic Constituent of Andrey Bely’s “Petersburg”. In Philological Class. 2020. Vol. 25 ⋅ №4. P. 18–31. DOI 10.26170/FK20-04-02.