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Facets of the Author’s Linguistic Personality in the Early Lyric and Philosophical Works of A. Platonov
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DOI: 10.51762/1FK-2021-26-01-07
Abstract: The article analyzes the linguistic personality of Andrei Platonov based on the material of his early works of a lyrical and philosophical nature. The analysis involved the stories “Poem of Thought”, “In the Starry Desert”, “Impossible”, “Thirst of the Beggar”, as well as the first part of “Notes” entitled “In the Fields”. The aim of the study is to isolate in the named works of language means related to different ways and forms of the author’s perception of the post-revolutionary time as an era of global experimentation with the world and man.
The complexity of establishing a hierarchy of meanings and values in the writer’s picture of the world is traced.
The identification and analysis of the variable, the variable part in the author’s picture of the world, representing its uniqueness, is carried out. The analysis has led to a number of conclusions. Aspects of the author’s linguistic personality show the seething state of his inner world. In it, different sides of consciousness are beating, colliding, not finding comfort. This is love for the world in lyrical confessions and hatred for existing being, expressed by statements that are similar in strength, but opposite in meaning; thirst for harmony and longing for a hurricane cosmic vortex. So already in the early short stories, alogisms are outlined, marking the gap between reality and its author’s interpretation. Later, this property will be included in a number of patented techniques of Platonov’s mature work. An appeal to heterogeneous artistic and linguistic means representing different genres (utopia, dystopia, prose poem, poem, manifesto), styles (philosophical, journalistic, scientific), fields of knowledge (scientific, engineering, technical, philosophical, Holy Scripture), etc., show the breadth of the cultural horizon of the young writer. In the process of creativity, this seething “colorful cauldron” will be transformed into a unique linguistic fusion that formed the basis of Platonov’s genius.
Key words: Early prose of A. Platonov; lyric and philosophical prose; linguistic personality; means of artistic expression; style, genre.
For citation
Proskurina, E. N. (2021). Facets of the Author’s Linguistic Personality in the Early Lyric
and Philosophical Works of A. Platonov. In Philological Class. 2021. Vol. 26 ⋅ №1. P. 98–106. DOI 10.51762/1FK-2021-26-01-07.