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On the typology of fantastic elements in the novels "Nevsky Prospekt", "Nose" and "Portrait" by N. V. Gogol
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DOI: 10.51762/1FK-2021-26-01-14
Abstract: This article is aimed at defining the terms “fantasy” and “fantastic elements” from the point of view
of fiction and finding its application in relation to N. V. Gogol’s works. The main attention is paid to fantastic elements, their classification, as well as the way they are used in the literary text. The material for the analysis was
the works of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol – Nevsky Prospect, the Nose and the Portrait. In this study we use the typological method, with the help of which the common generic features of literary phenomena typical of the fantasy are
studied, and their application in the course of analysis. The biographical method helps to reveal the connection
between N. V. Gogol and his works filled with fantastic elements. The poetical-structural analysis of the text was
undertaken to find intertextual and typological connections between the means of expression in the text and to
identify fantastic elements in the selected stories. In the end of the article, the results of the work are summarized
and the main conclusions are formulated. On the basis of literary works devoted to the theoretical definition of
the terms fantasy and fantastic elements, we came to interesting conclusions. In the story of Nevsky Prospect, we
can observe a philosophical and fantastic type of convention. The nature of the story Nose can be attributed to
satirical conventions, and in the story the Portrait we can find both philosophical and mythological conventions.
In our analysis and interpretation of all of the selected stories, the theme of the characters’ duality was substantiated, which had been emphasized in relation to these works by the literary critic J. Dohnal, whose conclusion we
agree with. Among other things, we have found that all three selected stories of Gogol are connected by another
important link that contributes to the expression of the fantastic in them, namely, a dream, which plays a special
role in the work of this writer.
Key words: Fantasy; fantastic elements; definition; N. V. Gogol; typology.
For citation
Grominova, A. On the typology of fantastic elements in the novels "Nevsky Prospekt", "Nose" and "Portrait" by N. V. Gogol / A. Grominova, Z. Shpachekova. In Philological Class. 2021. Vol. 26 ⋅ №1. P. 169–177. DOI 10.51762/1FK-2021-26-01-14.