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From Ancient Syncretism to the Internet Era: A Unique Way of Media Literature (Review of the book by Soldatkina Ya. V. Literature in sound, color and movement: historical and literary foundations of media literature. Educational and methodological guide.
- Hits: 819
- Article: PDF
DOI: 10.51762/1FK2021-26-01-27
Abstract: The review deals with the teaching and methods guide of Ya. V. Soldatkina “Literature in Sound, Color and Motion: Historical and Literary Foundations of Media Literature”, written for a unique master’s degree program in media literature at Moscow State Pedagogical University. The review develops the idea of continuity in the dissemination of media forms of existence of literature, which is important for the author of the manual.
This continuity presupposes not a revolutionary change in the traditional book culture, supplanted by new technologies of the 21st century, but a consistent process that had precedents in different eras. The path of media literature, traced from the beginning of the emergence of artistic creative activity through various synthetic forms, the search of avant-garde and modernism, the phenomenon of “pop” and “mass” song lyrics to film adaptations, memes, fanfictions – to the whole variety of audiovisual forms of contemporary life of verbal art – creates a holistic impression about the possibilities of literature, its openness and non-exhaustion of artistic means.
The review emphasizes the novelty and significance of the manual, its practical value and urgency
Key words: Media literature; literary syncretism; book culture; audiovisuality; Internet literature; writers; literary creative activity; literary genres; reviews.
For citation
Ovcharenko, A. Yu. (2021). From Ancient Syncretism to the Internet Era: a Unique Way of Media Literature (Review of the book by Soldatkina Ya. V. Literature in sound, color and movement: historical and literary foundations of media literature. Educational and methodological guide. M.; Berlin: Direct-Media, 2019. 264 p.). In Philological Class. 2021. Vol. 26 ⋅ №1. P. 314-318. DOI 10.51762/1FK2021-26-01-27.