Hits: 212
Khriashcheva N.P. Tagiltsev A.V. Dotsenko E.G.
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- Article:
DOI: 10.26170/2071-2405-2024-29-2-168-179
Abstract: The review presents the results of the 25th All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference with International Participation “The Boundaries of the Genre: Canon and Modifications”, dedicated to the memory of Naum Lazarevich Leiderman. The conference took place at the Ural State Pedagogical University on March 29, 2024 and coincided with the 85th anniversary of the scholar and the 25th Convention of scholars and teachers, discussing “Current problems of studying and teaching literature at universities and secondary school”. The conference was attended by scholars and philologists-teachers from Belarus, China, Hungary. The topics of the reports were determined by the problems of the genre studies: the history of the Russian literature of the 18th–21st centuries in connection with genre evolution, genre theory, individual genre forms in classical literature, modernization of genres in the 20th century, non-canonical genres and works of “borderline” genre nature; teaching literature at universities and secondary schools. The topics were mainly related to the range of research and pedagogical interests of Naum Leiderman, Doctor of Philology, Professor, head of the Department of Modern Russian Literature, theorist and historian of Russian literature, author of over 240 publications, among which is the fundamental work “Theory of Genre”. The scholar organized a dialogue between the philological science and the university and secondary school practice of teaching literature, by creating the Institute of Philological innovations “Slovesnik” and the journal “Philological Class”.
Key words: the history of the Russian literature of the 18th–21st centuries; genre theory; genre modernization; non-canonical genres; teaching literature; foreign literature
Для цитирования:
Хрящева, Н. П. Итоги XXV Всероссийской юбилейной с международным участием научно- практической конференции «Границы жанра: канон и модификации» / Н. П. Хрящева, А. В. Тагильцев, Е. Г. Доценко // Philological Class. – 2024. – Vol. 29 ⋅ №2. – С. 168-179. DOI 10.26170/2071-2405-2024-29-2-168-179.
For citation
Khriashcheva, N. P., Tagiltsev, A. V., Dotsenko, E. G. (2024). Results of the 25th All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference with International Participation “The Boundaries of the Genre: Canon and Modifications”. In Philological Class. 2024. Vol. 29 ⋅ №2. P. 168-179. DOI 10.26170/2071-2405-2024-29-2-168-179.
Publication Timeline:
Date of receipt: 13.05.2024; date of publication: 24.06.2024
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