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What did show the Unified State Exam (words of the inspectors of examination papers)
- Hits: 1054
- Рубрика: ROUND TABLE
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Abstract: In discussion at the round table " What has shown the uniform state exam in literature" took part N.L. Leiderman, M.A. Litvinova, N.P. Khryascheva, N.V. Barcovskaya and A.V. Tagiltsev, O.U. Baghdasaryan, T.A. Dolinina. The participants of the round table were made of different positions on the following issues: the democratization of education and social inequality, the objectivity of the assessment of the examination papers, the compatibility of the USE with the problem of developmental education, the problem of the identification of the philological gifted and standardization of the answers to the exam. In the speeches of the participants of the discussion particularly acute sounds thought about the possibility of USE only as one of the forms of the school certification and the full its unsuitability for the selection of applicants on the humanities specialty in higher education institutions.
For citation
Khryascheva, N. P. What did show the Unified State Exam (words of the inspectors of examination papers) / N. P. Khryascheva. In Philological Class. 2008. №2 (20). P. 97-104.