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Quantitative Dimension of the Hybrid “Vinovat”
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DOI: 10.51762/1FK-2021-26-01-12
Abstract: The aim of the work is to study semantic and grammatical shifts in the structure of short adjectives that undergo simultaneous transposition into introductory-modal words and interjections in modern Russian.
The article reveals the degree of convergence of the adjective word form “vinovat” (is to blame) with introductorymodal units and interjections in the syncretic contexts of modalation and intejectivation. The method of
oppositional analysis and indexing is used to calculate the degree of correspondence between the hybrid “vinovat”
of the initial core short adjective and the core introductory-modal units and interjections, which significantly
reduces the element of subjectivity in assessing grammatically contradictory facts of transitivity and syncretism.
The author studies the combinability and the proportion of differential features of short adjectives, introductorymodal words and interjections in the structure of the hybrid “vinovat”, explicating the position of the modus subject in the introductory-modal function. As a result of the study, it has been found that in the casesof combined
modalation and intejectivation, the hybrid reveals a 53% correspondence with the original core short adjective
[On sam vinovat v sluchivshemsya] (He himself is to blame for what has happened), a 67% correspondence with the
core ajective-based introductory-modal words like “konechno” [Etogo, konechno, nikto ne ozhidal] (No one expected
this, of course) and a 50% correspondence with the core etiquette-emotive and emotive interjections based on
nouns and adverbs like “poka”, “salyut”, “privet” (bye, salute, hello) [My poshli domoy, poka! Privet, kto zhe tak delaet?!]
(We are going home, bye! Hello, who does it this way?!). The study has also revealed that this hybrid does not
violate the semantic identity of the original adjective lexeme, but is characterized by the fixed use of masculine /
feminine grammatical forms, singular number and positive degree, which gives it a feature of unchangeability.
The introductory construction with the hybrid “vinovat” and the rest of the utterance is often characterized by
different illocutionary functions: the position of the modus subject is explicated by the declarative introductory
sentence, and the dictum part of the utterance – by an interrogative sentence. The research results can be useful
in the development and application of quantitative methods to analyze instances of transitivity and syncretism
in the grammatical structure of the Russian language, as well as in teaching grammar in secondary and higher
education institutions.
Key words: Russian language; Russian grammar; short adjectives; adjectives; introductory modal word; interjections, hybrid.
For citation
Shigurov, V. V. (2021). Quantitative Dimension of the Hybrid “Vinovat”. In Philological Class. 2021. Vol. 26 ⋅ №1. P. 153–160. DOI 10.51762/1FK-2021-26-01-12.