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DOI: 10.26170/2071-2405-2023-28-4-204-216
Abstract: The article focuses on the initial period of D. N. Ushakov’s linguistic biography related to his work in the Moscow Dialectological Commission (MDC), continued later by his students, colleagues, and followers. The article looks at the works of dialectologists who studied Kostroma dialects during the work of the MDC and later in the wake of A. A. Shakhmatov due to direct personal contacts with Ushakov (Chairman of the MDC from 1915 to 1931) or indirectly through interaction with the MDC founders and colleagues. It is noted that the followers of Shakhmatov and Ushakov, together with his students and “students of students”, made an invaluable contribution to the study of Kostroma dialects as an organic part of the space of Russian dialects, determining their place in the dialectal division of the Russian language. In particular, N. N. Sokolov examined the Kostroma dialects, in which unstressed “o” is pronounced as “a”, and determined their boundaries and their connection with the dialects of the Moscow region. N. N. Vinogradov discovered the reasons for the emergence of the “Chukhloma dialect”. Then the status of the Kostroma Chukhloma dialect was discussed by G. Z. Shklyar, L. L. Kasatkin, S. S. Vysotsky, N. N. Pshenichnova, N. S. Gantsovskaya and others. Vinogradov’s studies of Shungen dialects of the early 20th century began in the form of a small phonetic essay, and then, with the approval of Shakhmatov, were continued within an extensive academic program, later accompanied by investigations of the vocabulary of the northern wedding of the same region, the argot of the “Galivon alemans”, and the language of conspiracies and charms of the Kostroma region, relevant even now. In conclusion it is argued that Kostroma dialects, starting from the mid 20th century and up to the present day, continue to be intensively studied for various purposes, but to a large extent as a result of active stimulation by state academic programs of the creation of dialectological atlases, as if in continuation of the work begun by the creators and participants of the MDC, primarily Shakhmatov, Ushakov and their followers.
Key words: members of the Moscow Dialectological Commission; researchers of Kostroma dialects; Kostroma dialects; Kostroma Chukhloma dialect; Kostroma Shunga dialects

Для цитирования:

Ганцовская, Н. С. Исследователи костромских говоров: деятельность по заветам Московской диалектологической комиссии / Н. С. Ганцовская, Г. Д. Неганова // Philological Class. – 2023. – Vol. 28 ⋅ №4. – С. 204-216. DOI 10.26170/2071-2405-2023-28-4-204-216.

For citation

Gantsovskaya, N. S., Neganova, G. D. (2023). Researchers of Kostroma Dialects: In the Wake of the Moscow Dialectological Commission. In Philological Class. 2023. Vol. 28 ⋅ №4. P. 204-216. DOI 10.26170/2071-2405-2023-28-4-204-216.

About the author(s) :

Nina S. Gantsovskaya

Kostroma State University (Kostroma, Russia)



Galina D. Neganova

Kostroma State University (Kostroma, Russia)


Publication Timeline:

Date of receipt: 15.10.2023; date of publication: 30.12.2023


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