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- -- 2003
- --- №1 (9)
- ---- "If I write about nature, write about the man...": the study of "Forest drops" by M. M. Prishvin in the classroom of literature 5-6 grades
- ---- Historical novel by D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Okhonya's Eyebrows"
- ---- Studying the sound system of the Russian language in primary school
- ---- To the 150th anniversary of the birth of Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak
- ---- Comedy of V. Mayakovsky "Bug" and "Bath": materials for the lesson
- ---- Lyrical appeal to the person: about N. V. Gogol's poem "Dead souls"
- ---- Scientific aspects and basic theoretical concepts of the section "Phonetics. Graphics" in Russian lessons in 5th grade
- ---- The poetic rhythms of "Ordinary land" by K. Paustovsky
- ---- The Concept of lexical nest in modern linguistics (on the problem of qualification and classification)
- ---- About land affairs and about the secret force (about the distant origins of the Ural mythology of P. P. Bazhov)
- ---- Russian language and culture of speech at the University
- ---- Commonwealth of muses: I. Bunin "Ida" and M. Ravel "Bolero"
- ---- Utopia and dystopia of the XX century: experience of interpretation (to the problem of studying in high school)
- ---- Young literature of Ancient Russia
- ---- "Why do you pop up from the bottom of the dead years..." (Anna Akhmatova's poem "Shadow" in the context of the lyrical cycle "In the fortieth year")
- ---- Life Of The Poetic Word
- ---- Sound culture of speech as a language basis for mastering speech skills in preschool
- --- №2 (10)
- ---- Bibliography on N. A. Zabolotsky's creativity
- ---- "Let me tell you first..."(O. Henry's novels at literature lessons)
- ---- House and road in Gogol's poem "Dead souls"
- ---- Formation of ideas about the systemic relationship of the words in the elementary school
- ---- The formation of the dictionary of the preschool child through the lens of psycholinguistics
- ---- "Golovlevo is death itself..."(The image of the "noble nest" in the novel by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "Lord Golovleva") (article two)
- ---- Conference Participants Say
- ---- Simple Faces (About the evolution of aesthetic principles of N. Zabolotsky)
- ---- Linguistic criticism of poetic texts
- ---- Literary drawing room: the experience of the lesson on the analysis of "Poems in prose" I. S. Turgenev
- ---- "Faces not hiding, hearts not melting..."
- ---- "...Loving son of Russian poetry"
- ---- New pedagogical technologies in action
- ---- About the possibilities of school textbooks on the Russian language in the study of system connections of words in the 5th grade
- ---- Images of folk mythology in the play of A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"
- ---- Training without stress
- ---- Work of linguistic sections
- ---- Work of literary sections
- ---- Independent work at lessons of literature: co-creation of teacher and student
- ---- "The High world of the child..." (The theme of childhood in the works of Na Zabolotsky)
- ---- "I will open all the gates of these cloudy heights..."(About N. A. Zabolotsky's poem "Green ray")
- ---- "I'll send you from Holland Lego..." (sketch memoir research article)
- ---- "Sounds of lyre and trumpet" Program of the course of history of Russian literature of the XVIII century
- -- 2004
- --- №1 (11)
- ---- A.P. Chekhov. The life and works
- ---- Formation of the grammatical structure of speech and grammatical concepts: the period of early childhood
- ---- Formation of knowledge and skills in morphemic and word-formation in the elementary school
- ---- "And the moment in life was not more wonderful..."
- ---- The image of a person in a portrait essay (to an essay in the genre of essay)
- ---- How to study children's literature? Another version
- ---- Good books about good people (about the phenomenon of children's literature)
- ---- Linguistics and politics
- ---- MARGARITA PAVLOVNA BREZGINA (5.09.1937 – 27.11. 2003)
- ---- "But not a wolf I their blood..."(Faces of the lyrical hero in the "wolf" cycle of O. E. Mandelstam)
- ---- Educational drama (the First all-Russian Congress of teachers, linguists and methodologists)
- ---- "Sailing ships – Hello to fella..." (A. Gaidar's story "Military secret")
- ---- True of talent
- ---- Prose of life and poetry: the case of Sergei Gandlevsky
- ---- Talk about the sore: types of control in Russian lessons
- ---- Fantastic narrative in the story of M. Osorgin "Pie of Adam's head"
- ---- Modern Russian literature through the eyes of a researcher
- ---- So what is it – the literary education of students?
- ---- Test on the lessons of the Russian language as one of the ways to identify the level of educational achievements of students
- ---- Types of narration and their analysis
- ---- Types of tasks on the topic "Multicomponent complex sentences"
- ---- Utopia of rhetoric
- ---- The Educational concept of A. Stifter, G. Flaubert and I. A. Goncharov's novels in the years 1856-1858
- ---- "I love you, the land that gave birth to me..."
- ---- Life of the rebel (Archpriest Avvakum and his role in the development of Russian hagiography)
- --- №2 (12)
- ---- Anthropocentric principle of modern linguistics and the concept of a picture of the world
- ---- "To be a man ..." (based on the stories of A. Platonov "Across the sky at midnight ..." and "Trash wind")
- ---- "What, in fact, is a book!" (to the problem of implicit study of the theory of literature in the middle link of the school)
- ---- If the topic is formulated by aphorism...
- ---- Results of the literary year - 2003
- ---- New phenomena in Russian word formation of the late XX - early XXI centuries
- ---- About Dina Rubina - with love...
- ---- On the Artistic System of A.P. Chekhov
- ---- From design to implementation: the problem of the author’s position in the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"
- ---- First anniversary
- ---- "Prophet" Eremenko, or the repeatability of the unpredictable (analysis of one sonnet)
- ---- Travel to the country of romanticism: new approaches to the study of Russian romanticism in the first third of the XIX century
- ---- Sverdlovsk period of life of M. A. Rybnikova
- ---- Text and image
- ---- Creative Testament of A. P. Chekhov: Time and Times in the "The Cherry Orchard"
- ---- Visiting Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak (introductory lesson on drama theory using the example of the play "12 Months")
- ---- Yakov Aronovich Rotkovich (1909-1975)
- ---- Yakov Aronovich Rotkovich (1909-1975)
- ---- Language as a system of world outlook (lesson of Russian literature in grades 10-11)
- -- 2005
- --- №1 (13)
- ---- Analysis of the symbolist text in the lessons of an in-depth study of literature
- ---- Self-portrait in the genre "NON - FICTION" (based on the book of L. Petrushevskaya "Ninth Volume")
- ---- "The Gift of Secret Hearing is Heavy" by Victor Rutminsky
- ---- "The game for a fall": modern political discourse
- ---- Implicit semantic structure of a literary text (based on the story of A.P. Chekhov "Boys")
- ---- On the anniversary of Y. M. Proskurina
- ---- Book of romantic life-making
- ---- Complex text analysis in the study of the Russian language in a basic school
- ---- Laboratory and practical classes in literature
- ---- The Healer and the Sick (analysis of the second act of the play "At the Bottom")
- ---- Lidia Ivanovna Loseva (05/23/1937 - 11/13/2004)
- ---- New publications about the Great Patriotic War
- ---- Features of the formation of grammatical concepts in elementary school
- ---- Poetics of death - Sunday in V. Nabokov’s short story “Christmas”
- ---- "Pososhok" A. Bashlacheva (experience of analysis)
- ---- The story of A. P. Chekhov "Boys" and the writer's work as hypertext
- ---- Russian man through the eyes of the first realist writers
- ---- The symbolism of sound and light as the basis of the architectonic integrity of the lyrical book by Y. P. Polonsky "Evening ringing"
- ---- Social utopias of the 30s in the 11th grade ("Pedagogical Poem" by A. S. Makarenko)
- ---- Why does my child have such a fate?
- --- №2 (14)
- ---- Bibliography by M.A. Sholokhov
- ---- Harry Potter and the question of Antigone: the hero and the world of his values as a challenge to the modern teacher and educator
- ---- We talk about genealogy: the development of communicative skills of teenage students in the aspect of multifunctionality of communication
- ---- Results of the literary year - 2004
- ---- Key word (on the poetics of the titles of Chekhov's stories)
- ---- Leskov's righteous (to the study of the story "The Enchanted Wanderer" in grade 10)
- ---- The face of the writer and the faces of the times: “Untimely thoughts” by M. Gorky and “Cursed days” by I. Bunin
- ---- New Russian aphorism
- ---- Learning through comparison (from the experience of comparative analysis of the novel by N.V. Gogol “Nevsky Prospect” and the tale of E. T. A. Hoffman “The Golden Pot” in grade 9)
- ---- Eleventh All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Studying the creative personality of a writer in the system of philological education: science - university - school" (Yekaterinburg, 2005)
- ---- "Poetics of Ultimacy" in the "Poem of the End" by Marina Tsvetaeva
- ---- The biased word (journalism of 1917-1920 about the Russian revolution; poetic journalism of A. Blok: article "Intelligentsia and revolution"
- ---- The revolution and the heart of the child ("Don Stories" by M. A. Sholokhov)
- ---- Birth of a master (A. Platonov's novel "Chevengur")
- ---- SHISHMARENKOVA G.Y. (03/15/1933 - 03/03/2005)
- ---- Tips for a young teacher of the Russian language
- ---- Environment, history, human nature in the interpretation of Russian realist writers of the 1840s-1860s
- ---- Traditions of the psalter in Russian poetry and ode to G. R. Derzhavin (materials for an introductory lesson in grades 7–9)
- ---- Creative personality of the writer as an object of study
- ---- Second International Scientific and Practical Conference "Contemporary Russian Literature: Problems of Studying and Teaching" (Perm, 2005)
- -- 2006
- --- №1 (15)
- ---- Two "Queen of Spades": modern literature or a return to classics
- ---- Formation of the concept of grammatical meaning in high school
- ---- On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of N.M. Rubtsov. Bibliography
- ---- Keys to the soul and consciousness of a person (Russian realism of the 1870-1890s)
- ---- "My nature called me ..." N. Rubtsov "Night at home." Linguistic analysis of the poem in the lesson of the Russian language
- ---- “An angel gives me a lyre” (refusal of the gift in V. Khodasevich’s Ballad 1925)
- ---- The idea of immortality in the comedy D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth"
- ---- On Regional Literature and Talent Without Borders. Interview with Elena Konstantinovna Sozina
- ---- Indictment: V.G. Korolenko "Letters to A.V. Lunacharsky"
- ---- "Raising the Lowered Plaid" (Function of the artistic detail in the work of A.P. Chekhov. Workshop in the 11th grade)
- ---- "The habit of pondering the language." The role of etymology in the study of spelling of words
- ---- Revolution and folk elements. To the study of the poem by A. Blok "The Twelve" at the lesson in literature
- ---- "The Heart Gets Food" (speech activity in the study of the genealogy in the lessons of rhetoric)
- ---- In the "endless labyrinth of linkages": the art of a lesson in literature
- ---- V.P. Krymskaya - teacher, scientist, methodologist
- --- №2 (16)
- ---- Bibliography according to L. Andreev and V. Nekrasov
- ---- Children's literature: a textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions
- ---- The Twelfth All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Russian Literature of the Twentieth Century: Problems of Study and Learning" (Yekaterinburg, 2005)
- ---- Information card of a lesson in literature in the 11th grade (final lesson on the work of I.A. Bunin
- ---- The concept of childhood in Russian classical literature (first half of the 19th century and Russian foreign countries at the beginning of the 20th century)
- ---- Literary events of 2005
- ---- Scientific-practical conference "Problems of speech and linguistic education in high school and school" (Yekaterinburg, 2005)
- ---- About the criteria of a tiered approach to teaching Russian in a specialized school
- ---- Teacher's explanatory speech: linguistic aspect
- ---- Orchestration of the word: speech leitmotifs of the New Wave dramaturgy
- ---- From reading to research: studying the work of A. Platonov at school
- ---- "...To write your soul with words" (polyphony in A. Kim’s novel "Squirrel")
- ---- Pupil learns to write literary essays
- ---- Style infantilism of A. Gaidar
- ---- Mystery of the death of Angelica
- ---- Television advertising and linguistic taste of the era
- ---- The tragedy of unclaimed love (V. Mayakovsky's poem "The Cloud in Pants")
- ---- Adult "horrors" and a new children's hero?
- ---- Women's prose of Russia: features of artistic philosophy
- -- 2007
- --- №1 (17)
- ---- The archetype of the mother and baby in the play by A. Platonov "14 red huts"
- ---- Documents of the 20-30 years of the twentieth century: History of enslavement of Soviet literature
- ---- "And my heart has become dark" (a story by A. Platonov "the Return": the poetics of fire)
- ---- "And now we solve this mystery..."("Mozart and Salieri" by A. S. Pushkin: genre-generic specificity). Lesson-analysis in the ninth grade
- ---- "...Incognito the damned!"(A. P. Chekhov's stories "Two in one" and Teffi "Incognito"). Lesson-comparison in 11th grade
- ---- On the 100th anniversary of Dmitry Likhachev. Bibliography
- ---- What is silent "Ode chosen from job" M. Lomonosov or once again about the "Ability to read the ode"
- ---- From feather to computer
- ---- From sound to text. Technology of lessons generalization in the Russian language in the 5th grade on the topic "Vocabulary"
- ---- "Gift to the Suzerain": "Sentimental walk" P. Verlaine in translations of V. Bryusov and A. Efron (experience will compare. analysis on lessons literature)
- ---- Postmodern dialogue of cultures: The image of Spain in D. Rubina's novel "The last boar from the forests of Pontevedr"
- ---- "Russian conversations" in modern prose (case of N. Gorlanova)
- ---- Russian symbolism in school studies
- ---- A justice of conscience (about a poem of S. Yesenin "The Black Man")
- ---- Style JUVENIS: about the design of secondary educational texts
- ---- The links of the united chain stretch from one generation to another like this: The Musa Dzhalil's poetry in the context of the classical tradition
- ---- Difficult questions of the study one of the proposals at the school
- ---- Eternal Sonechka: about poetics of the novel Sonechka written by L. Ulickaya
- ---- All-Russia scientific conference "Literature of Ural"
- ---- For what Pechorin went to Persia?
- --- №2 (18)
- ---- Is reading popular? Or sad thoughts about the reader of the XXI century
- ---- Why people do not write easily, as they say?
- ---- Elective courses in literature as a means of pre-profile training of students
- ---- Aesthetic principles of expressionism and its fate in Russian literature
- ---- Literature about the great terror
- ---- "No, I won't die completely...": About death and immortality in three works by A. S. Pushkin
- ---- New books of the Ural philologists
- ---- Poetic geography as a theme of elective course
- ---- Poetic voice of Ksenia Nekrasova
- ---- "Nestlings of Petrov" in the "Golden age of Catherine" (Soboleva L. S. Russian literature of the XVIII century: materials for lessons in high school. - Ekaterinburg, 2005)
- ---- Revolution as a clash of cultures (B. Lavrenev's "Forty-first": the experience of сanon self-criticism)
- ---- The structure of profile Russian language teaching in the conditions of level differentiation of subject content
- ---- "Free element": Ways of forming creative thinking of students in the lessons of speech development in grade 6
- ---- "The Central Committee plays a man..." ("The story of the outstanding moon" B. Pilnyak: poetics of expressionism)
- ---- The Second all-Russian scientific and practical conference "Problems of speech and linguistic education at school"
- ---- "Winter fits sad": How to read Shakespeare's tragicomedy
- -- 2008
- --- №1 (19)
- ---- Basic grammatical concepts: from theory to practice
- ---- Ekaterinburg - Changchun: Conference at the Chinese Institute of Russian language
- ---- "I Have ... I Have other words, but I will not Express them...": novel discord "Fathers and children"
- ---- This fashionable word "portfolio"
- ---- Formation of a unified system of linguistic education (Konovalova N. I. Sacred text as a linguocultural phenomenon. - Ekaterinburg, 2007)
- ---- Individual approach in teaching Russian (from the methodical heritage of O.T. Yurina)
- ---- How can we save the common cultural space
- ---- Circle of toponymy in school
- ---- Logical analysis of the text (USE on the Russian language for the task C)
- ---- Fabulous component in Russian symbolism and methodological aspects of its study
- ---- "The cursive of the human spirit" (about the metaphor in the poetic text)
- ---- Socialist realism as "exemplary" creative method
- ---- Lesson-debate: a fantastic allegory in the novel by Vercor "People or animals"
- ---- Lesson-research: the image of the state in Tolstoy's story "Women's day"
- ---- "At the beginning of life I remember school..." (Lesson-conversation on the story of B. Putilov "the Destruction of Lehi Bykov" in 8th grade)
- ---- XIII All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Interaction of national artistic cultures: literature and linguistics (problems of studying and learning)
- ---- "I write to you..." ("Valerik" M.Y. Lermontov: Еxperience of genre analysis)
- ---- Women and birds in "Dead souls" (fragment analysis)
- --- №2 (20)
- ---- Bestseller/Бестселлер: translated mass literature in Russia
- ---- What did show the Unified State Exam (words of the inspectors of examination papers)
- ---- Elegiac story of Ivan Bunin "Non spring"
- ---- Elective courses in literature and their cognitive potential
- ---- Research methods in the study of vocabulary
- ---- Study the theme "Application"
- ---- Book, which are understandable to everyone, or why read on and explore the massive literature?
- ---- "...Where to put the wind of wings?" (Lesson - literary portrait of E. Y. Kuzmina-Karavaeva. 11th form)
- ---- Mass literature of the late XX - early XXI century: technology or poetics?
- ---- "Apt, illuminating words" (adjective in the text): ways of forming key competences in the Russian language lessons in the 6th grade
- ---- "Call me as his cutie" (pastoral motifs in the story of V.P. Astafiev "whether Clear day")
- ---- Modernism and avant-garde: affinity and difference
- ---- "...We will preserve you, Russian speech, the great Russian word...": rhetorized technologies at the lessons of speech culture
- ---- About the ways of formation of linguistic competence in secondary school (from the experience)
- ---- The poetic world of A. Fet (Lesson - researching. 10th form)
- ---- "Wailing Russia": poem "Oh, my fungus, mushroom, white bunch" in the context of the lyrical book "Swan body" Marina Tsvetaeva
- ---- Russian literature in the mirror of the Perm periodicals
- ---- System of characters of I.S. Turgenev's novels "Fathers and Сhildren" and F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" (comparative analysis)
- ---- "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" and "The Song of Roland": from the experience of parallel reading during the classes literature
- ---- Overture to the novel: poetics of the initial pages of Oblomov
- ---- "I saw only something blue..."(naming in situations of difficult perception)
- ---- "Alive as life"
- -- 2009
- --- №1 (21)
- ---- The Formation of Linguistic Awareness of the Student in the Process of Learning Russian Spelling
- ---- "Hero of Our Time in Modern Prose"
- ---- The Name of the River/Somebody (Based on the Word-play in the Russian Language): Daria Pinigina. About the Context of the Name in V. Rasputin's Farewell to Matyora
- ---- To a Question of Studying Lyrical Prose (on the Material of I.S. Turgenev's Cycle Notes of the Hunter)
- ---- The Current Events of a Literary Life – 2008
- ---- Computer Technology and Computer Techniques in the Modern Prose
- ---- Crisis of Cultural Models in the Consciousness of Man (The "Walpurgis night, or Steps of Commander" V. Erofeeva)
- ---- "Leningrad Apocalypse" of D. Andreev in the Literature 1940-1950's
- ---- Modular Lesson on the Theme: Spelling the Particle NOT with Different Parts of Speech in the Senior Classes
- ---- "We Know What Now Lies on the Scales...": An Analysis of the Poem of Anna Akhmatova, "Courage."
- ---- "Do not Miss Adolescence", or Laws of Reading From Marietta Chudakova
- ---- A new look at the drama of the 20th century
- ---- The White Spots and Myths in the History of Russian Literature of the Soviet Era (1920)
- ---- About Pasternak's Lyrical Plots in His Early Works (Function of Grass-roots Semanticizated Units)
- ---- About the Educational Purposes of Literary Education
- ---- A Russian Expressionism in the Era of Historic Cataclysms
- ---- The Russian Literary Language: From XVIII to XX Centuries
- ---- Lesson-analysis Meaningful Parts of a Word
- ---- "Everything, as in Life": Image of the Main Character in N. Gorlanova Story "The Girl has Grown Up". The Lesson - Analysis in 10th Form
- ---- XIV All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference "Classical and Modern: The Problems of Studying and Teaching" (Yekaterinburg, 2009): A Review, Interviews, and Resolution
- --- №2 (22)
- ---- Akaky Akakievich is a Calligraphist
- ---- The Block-modular Technology at the English Lessons
- ---- Yevgeni Onegin - the Encyclopedia… of the Russian Literary Language
- ---- Grimace of Body Language in Gogol's Prose
- ---- Exposition as One of Means to Educate Pupil's Individuality at Russian Language Lessons (by E. Horinskaya's Book "Our Bazhov")
- ---- Kartina «Velikogo Vsemirnogo Zrelishcha»: Narodnopoeticheskie Traditsii V «Semejnoj Khronike» S.T. Aksakova
- ---- The One Who is Talented, Should Have a Purer Soul" (the Study of Nikolai Gogol "The Portrait" in the 8th Grade)
- ---- Technology of Teaching the Russian Language in the New Educational Paradigm
- ---- Young Poetry
- ---- Let's Begin With the Ural
- ---- Experience of Elective Course: "the Mythological Foundations of the Transbaikal Cossack Wedding»
- ---- On Prose Pages - 2008
- ---- The Modern Dramatic Art: "A Prolonged Splash"
- ---- The Text and the Sense (the Training of the 5-7th Forms Students to Work With the Semantic Side of the Text)
- ---- Gogol's Issues in a Situation of Modern Scientific Dialogue
- ---- Gogol - Endlessly Funny, and Then - "Who are You Laughing at?" (Interview With Playwright Nikolai Kolyada)
- ---- "I Learn Kindness From People..." (Bard Song in the School Study)
- ---- The Lost Tram and the Ship - Phantoms
- ---- Riddle of a Picture Plot (Gogol's Story "Old-world Landowners")
- -- 2010
- --- №1 (23)
- ---- A Person Before a Choice (About V. Bykov's Story "Opencast Mine")
- ---- Other Projection (the Great Patriotic War in Destinies and Creativity of Writers-Emigrants)
- ---- "This Smell was the Same" (the Situation of Returning From War in Stories 1940 - 80th years)
- ---- The Greek-Roman Heritage: Functions of Prefixes in Linguistic Terms
- ---- The books of a domestic Precept
- ---- Love to Russian and Anxiety for It (Krongauz M. Russian on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. М, 2009)
- ---- "Vasily Terkin, We Have Made Friends With You Forever" (the Poem "Vasily Terkin" in the Context of A. Tvardovsky's Work of Military Years)
- ---- An Image of Front Youth in Julia Drunina's Poetry
- ---- The Charachter of Lieutenant Ogarkov: Confusion or Fault (the Lesson-research of E. Kazakevich's Story "Two in steppe")
- ---- "Trench truth" - Yesterday and Today
- ---- Opening of the Native Land (K.Simonov "You remember, Alyosha, roads of Smolenshchiny...")
- ---- "Where are We From? We Dropped Out of the War …" The Present and the Future of Prose on the Great Patriotic War
- ---- "Working Out of the Past" (Patriotic War in a Mirror of a Modern Masscult)
- ---- Reflections About the Centralized Testing
- ---- "Russian Soldier is a Relic for Me …" (Implication in A. Platonov's Military Prose)
- ---- The fidelity's talisman (K.Simonov's Poem "Wait for me" in perception of front-line soldiers)
- ---- The Textbook for "the Reading Person " (Suhih I.N. Literature: The Textbook for 10 Form. М, 2008)
- ---- Lesson is the Oral Magazine Devoted to Mother Maria (E. J. Kuzmina-Karavaeva)
- ---- Questions of History of Language on the All-Russia Competition of Schoolchildren
- ---- Adult Problems of the Children's Literature
- --- №2 (24)
- ---- Chehov's Aphorisms in Space of a Valuable Choice of Pupils
- ---- "Seagull" of B. Akunin − Plagiarism or Classic Reconsideration? (A Lesson-analysis in 11 Class)
- ---- Chekhov sub specie Poststructuralism
- ---- Chekhov in Chekhov's Role
- ---- The Person of Enviable Destiny
- ---- The Ideal Philologist
- ---- "Game in Classics (Hopscotch)": A Modern Cultural Situation
- ---- The Internet Competition in Literature as the Educational Project
- ---- Communicatively-speech Ideals of the Modern Official
- ---- Critical Situation in Modern Public Speech
- ---- Latin Impregnations in A.P. Chekhov's Correspondence
- ---- Favourite Child
- ---- Chamber Number one by V. Makanin and "Chamber № 6" by A.P. Chekhov: Coming Nearer to Interpretation
- ---- Our Leiderman
- ---- The Scientific Will
- ---- Be not Exchanged for Trifles...
- ---- About Complexity of Simplicity A.P. Chekhov-dramatist
- ---- The Orphoepic Dictionary: Borders of the Permitted
- ---- Last Bow
- ---- Public Statement: The Sir or was Gone
- ---- Semantics of Narrative Structures of A.P. Chekhov's Story "Rothschild Violin"
- ---- "The Thematic Dictionary of Lexicon of Dialects of Average Ural Mountains" as a Source Linguacultural Information
- ---- Difficultly and Joyfully
- ---- "Left Game": Authors of Stories in A.P. Chekhov, G. Pintera and M. Ravenhilla's Plays
- -- 2011
- --- №1 (25)
- ---- “Well: live long, black earth” (Nu, zdravstvuy, chernozem…): “I” of the author in the “chernozem” poetic “nest” of O. Mandelstam
- ---- “The home where...” (“Dom, v kotorom...”) by Mariam Petrosyan as a concluding text of the decade
- ---- Elements of Comparative Method at the Russian Languages Lessons
- ---- A poet's “last days' writings” (Osip Mandelstam's poetry written in May – July 1937)
- ---- Homo legens VS Homo ludens: the problem of diagnosis of the Russian prose of the 2000s
- ---- To the Centralized Testing Step by Step: The Russian Language Activity Book. Part 1
- ---- Linguopoetic Structure of the Artistic Chronotope in the Short Story “Sweet Shura” (“Milaya Shura”) by T. Tolstaya
- ---- Love, Pity, Mercy in the Poetry of O. Mandelstam
- ---- Methods to Study Classical Literature: “A Common Story” (“Obyknovennaya istoriya”) and “Oblomov” as a Dilogy
- ---- A new scientific field in linguistics at the turn of the century
- ---- Voices of Revolutionary Epoch (Podshivalova E.A. Lectures on the Russian literature of the 1920-1930-ies. Part 1. – Izhevsk, 2010)
- ---- Russian Сolloquial Speech of the End of the 20th – Beginning of the 21st Centuries: Figurative Meanings
- ---- Appraisive context of language game in literary text (based on early stories by Tatyana Tolstaya)
- ---- “Poet as a Tool of Language”: Lesson-Conference on Joseph Brodsky's Nobel Lecture
- ---- Social History and Private Life Story in the Play by L. Petrushevskaya “Moscow Choir” (“Moskovskiy khor”)
- ---- Specific Features of the Conflict and Genre of the Play “The Cherry Orchard” by A. Chekhov
- ---- “Statutory Nudity and Idea of Russia-Motherland”
- ---- Trans-avant-garde as a paradigm of contemporary literature
- ---- Pelevin’s Trinity in the novel “t”: author – protagonist – reader
- ---- The return to the strophic form: a new discipline in Russian poetry (the 1990-2000s)
- ---- “Me” and “not Me” in the Narrative Structure of the Novel “Asan” by V. Makanin
- --- №2 (26)
- ---- “Through the thorns to the stars”: Lesson conversation on the story of Andrei Platonov, were “Unknown flower” and E. Klyuev “The Ivy, which was clambering, and clambering, and clambering…”
- ---- Tsvetayeva’s essay “Captured Spirits”: phenomenon of “poetic prose”
- ---- Study paronyms in a secondary school
- ---- To the Centralized Testing step by step: The Russian language Activity Book. Part 2
- ---- How to make training to Russian successful: consultations of psycholinguists
- ---- Communicative aspects of the study of literature in school
- ---- Specificity of lyric plot in the short story by Konstantin Paystovskiy “Basket with fir-cones”
- ---- The Lyrics of the “others”: about poetry of 2010
- ---- Saltikov-Schedrin as a mirror of Russian post-modernism
- ---- Motivic structure plays Andrei Platonov’s “The Voice of the father”
- ---- “Tenderness of the world”: the children in the work of Vladimir Nabokov
- ---- “Zero” and further
- ---- A.P. Platonov’s philosophy on inverse perspective. Soul sphere, aether and God’s foolishness in his text
- ---- Image of father in the work of Andrey Platonov
- ---- Drama Review – 2010
- ---- Platonov’s characters in view of the “modern man” concept
- ---- Patters of artistic expression in the classroom: Methodological notes
- -- 2012
- --- №1 (27)
- ---- God in R. Musil's Novel The Man Without Qualities and Axiological Search in Early XXth Century Literature
- ---- Children's Fears in Britain's New Theatre of Cruelty: Plays for Children and Their Parents
- ---- Yekaterina Simonova's Herbarium: Petersburg's Image Interpretation in Modern Ural Poetry
- ---- Experimental Research of Children's Bilingualism
- ---- Aesthetics and Physiology of Death in L.N. Tolstoy's Short Story "Three Deaths"
- ---- Folklore Motives in Modern Literature (based on Denis Osokin's prose)
- ---- Fundamental History of Russian Folklore Studies of the XXth Century
- ---- «…And where is their nook today?...»: the Fate of A.S. Pushkin Museum in Brodzany (Slovakia)
- ---- Games According to Genre in Modern Children's Poetry
- ---- To the Centralized Testing step by step: The Russian language Activity Book. Part 3
- ---- The Image of a Russian Officer in F.N. Glinka's Prose
- ---- Fathers and Grandfathers in I.S. Tourgenev's Novel
- ---- Captured by Echo: Yelena Suntsova's Book of Poetry After the Summer
- ---- Borodino Field - Borodino: On the Problem of M.Y. Lermontov's Self-Repetitions
- ---- The Role of Integration in Developing Secondary School Students' Creative Abilities at the Lessons of Literature and History (based on the lesson Patriotic War of 1812 in History and Literature)
- ---- Odour Semiotics in Poetry of the Silver Age
- ---- Formation of Historical Tale Genre in N.M. Karamzin's Prose
- ---- USPU Students on Modern Ural Poets' Creative Work
- ---- The Mystery of Name as the Fate of Essence Itself (based on V.K. Kyukhelbecker's novel The Last Kolonna)
- ---- Theatre Discourse of Napoleon Wars in Memoir Literature of the First Half of the XIX century
- ---- Opportunities for Using Reflection when Mastering a Second Language
- --- №2 (28)
- ---- A. Platonov in the Interpretation of the Russian Writers of the Second Half of the XXth Century
- ---- Actual Problems of the Literature: Spring Conferences - 2012
- ---- Analysis of Scenes and Episodes in F.M. Dostoevsky's Roman Idiot
- ---- Document and Fiction in Autobiography: George Orwell and Cyril Connolly
- ---- Limit the Drama of M. Tsvetaeva
- ---- About Great Russian Language and Four-Letter Words
- ---- The Formation of Communicative Competence of Students - One of the Main Conditions for Successful Socialization of the Personality
- ---- Gothic Vertical in the Poetic World of O. Mandelstam
- ---- Historical, Cultural and Literary Comment at Russian Lessons: Verb and Verbal Forms
- ---- The Book about the Main Work by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn (Schedrina N.M. "Red Wheel" А. Solzhenitsyn and Russian History Prose Second Half XX Century. - М., 2010)
- ---- Honour Cult of Napoleon Wars Epoch in Russian and French Literature of the I Third of the XIX Century
- ---- Linguistic Aspect in Study of the History and the Culture of the Region
- ---- Mayakovsky and the russian futurism: the lecture lesson in the 11th class
- ---- Pendulum: from the Simple to Complex and Backward
- ---- "Don't Fight for Fatherland … in Russian People a Shame and Sim": the Problem of the Miraculous in P.A. Katenin's Ballad
- ---- Image of the Beloved in Marina Tsvetaeva's Poems
- ---- Impostor - Tsar Opposition in M. Tsvetaeva's Book Vyorsty
- ---- Preparation for Writing Work about the Nature (Lesson Development of the Speech. 6 Class)
- ---- Reminiscence of Classical Literature in Modern Text (on Material the Novel "Snow-Storm" by Vladimir Sorokin)
- ---- Symbolism of Amethysts in I. Annensky's Poetry
- ---- The Unity of National and Universal (Dyrdin A.A. Prose Leonid Leonov: Metaphysics of Thought. - M., 2012)
- ---- Improving High School Speech Activities on the Basis of Competence-Based Approach
- ---- Travelogue about the Travelogues (Kulikova E.Y. Space and His Dynamic Aspect in the Lyrics of Acmeists. - Novosibirsk, 2011)
- --- №3 (29)
- ---- “And the time driving horses...”: The image of time in Alexander Pushkin’s poem "The Cart of Life"
- ---- School reader’s conference for the Louis Loury’s novel “Giving”
- ---- Experimental research of verbal creativity: word creation and creation of speech
- ---- The phenomenon of inadequate understanding of literary text by students
- ---- Horizontal slice of Russian prose-2012
- ---- The usage of psycholinguistic methods in teaching practice based on school experience
- ---- Local History Project: Theory and Practice of Implementation at School and at University
- ---- The methodology of the final session on "Russian Literature and Culture XVIII century"
- ---- Methods of the speech psychodiagnostic of the students
- ---- The image of St. Petersburg in the poems of A. Block
- ---- Description of juvenile reading in literature
- ---- The Conference Review "Language. System. The Person: Creative Linguistics – 2012"
- ---- Reconsideration of the history: Marc Levy’s novel "Children of freedom"
- ---- Presentation of electronic study guide on the literature about the poem by A. A. Akhmatova "Requiem"
- ---- Problems of the study of modern modes of dialect speech
- ---- Psycholinguistic aspects of learning spelling in 7th grade
- ---- Features of creative thinking of students with the functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres
- ---- Strategy of literary editing
- ---- Tsvetaeva’s “Homesickness” in a modern women’s poetry
- ---- Traditional folk culture in the mirror of the language
- ---- “The fog of the war”: The Great Patriotic War in modern popular literature
- --- №4 (30)
- ---- Autobiographical prose of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak (1880 – 1900s)
- ---- Autointertextuality in the works of A.I. Kuprin (on the material of the stories “Shulamith”, “Garnet bracelet” and the poem “Forever”)
- ---- Author – Character – Reader: The right to freedom (I.S. Turgenev’s “Fathers and sons”)
- ---- The phenomenon of G.R. Derzhavin in Russian literature
- ---- Dostoevsky’s ideas in the artistic concepts of O. Wilde
- ---- History and historicism in Mamin-Sibiryak’s literary works
- ---- “K nemy i ptica ne letit...” (Analysis of the A.S. Pushkin's poem “Antiar”)
- ---- To question about the conflict in novel “Fathers and sons”
- ---- Personality and history in A.S. Pushkin's ode “Napoleon”
- ---- The poetry of the komi poetess N. Obrezkova: the aspects of poetics
- ---- The poetics of “borrowed plot” in G. Gorin's plays (“That Very Munchausen”)
- ---- Literature and History: particularities of teaching in past and today
- ---- Mythological symbolism of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak's “Eastern Legends” and its connection with problems of the series
- ---- Paul I in lyrical reflection of G.R. Derzhavin
- ---- Cultural levels of the hero's “little psyche” in S. Beckett's “Yellow”
- ---- "Almost, it cannot be: you were always there...": In memory of Vera Vasilyevna Khimich
- ---- “In the frightful glow of Bellona's fire” (The year 1812 in K.N. Batyushkov's lyric poetry)
- ---- Provincial customs and popular beliefs in Elizabeth Gaskell’s “Cranford” and its TV version
- ---- Psycholinguistic bases for the study of proper names based on surnames
- ---- Work on the assimilation of moral concepts at Russian lessons: psycholinguistic aspect
- ---- Rudin of the 1880s: on Mamin-Sibiryak’s novel “Birthday man” (Imeninnik)
- ---- Listening to the mythological voice: feminist archetypal criticism about the women's creativity
- ---- Mamin-Sibiryak's literary legacy and prospects of regional literary studies
- ---- D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak's creativity in a humanism context
- ---- U naroda kak u prazdnika: dictionary of Russian dialect phraseology (presentation of lexicographic project)
- ---- Expressive means of the Russian language: tropes and figures (practical tasks)
- ---- Winter pictures in lyrics A. Pushkin and P. Vyazemskiy and Pushkin metaphysics of Life and Death
- -- 2013
- --- №1 (31)
- ---- Psycholinguistic Bases of Studying of the Expressional Syntactic Means in the Text
- ---- Bilingual Lesson as the Means of the Forming of the Versatile Educational Activities
- ---- The epic poems of the late Twardovsky: Cycle “In memory of mother”
- ---- Faust – Peter – Mephistopheles: “Contact faustiana” in the Platonov's stories “State resident” and “Doubt Makar”
- ---- Brontе’s “Wuthering Heights” and St. Meyer’s “Twilight Series”: Reading Classics in the Context of its Actualization in the Mass Culture
- ---- We Study Word Formation: Didactic Complex with Methodical and Psycholinguistic Comments
- ---- On the Educational Views of F. Sologub
- ---- Leonov’s art world in introductory episode ( Yakimova L. P. Introducrory episode as structure element of Leonov’s poetic. – Novosibirsk, 2012)
- ---- Contamination and Compression as a Structure Principles Feuilleton Bulgakov “Biblifetchik”
- ---- Chroniclers, “it is Expert the Right, Speaks...” (to the 900 Anniversary of Creation of “The Story of Temporary Years”)
- ---- Sea Topos in the “African Diary” of N. Gumilev