- ---- Vladimir Mayakovsky as “a Singing Ilya Muromets”: “Karacharovo” by Viktor Sosnora
- ---- Expression of Human Status Through Animalistic Metaphor
- ---- Japan and Japanese Reminiscences in the Collection by Richard G. Brautigan “June 30th, June 30th
- ---- The Birth of the Genre of Literary Interview at the Turn of the 19th – 20th Centuries
- --- Vol. 27 ⋅ №2
- ---- Dante in African American Literature
- ---- Two Types of Events in Border Crossing Narratives of Contemporary Travelogues
- ---- Philosophy of Existence and “Mechanical” People in A. Platonov’s War Short Stories
- ---- The Geographical Component of the Concept “Russia” in Foreign Textbooks of Russian as a Foreign Language
- ---- Response Generation Intentions Realized in Dialogue
- ---- Intertextual and Genre Strategies of P. Vail (The Essay “Abram Terts, the Russian Filibuster”)
- ---- High-Quality Development of Russian Language Education in Chinese Universities in the New Era
- ---- Culturally-Oriented Training of Highly Qualified Specialists in Russian: Concept and Practice
- ---- The Medial Function of Contemporary Poetry (The Poem by E. Si- monova “In Nice”)
- ---- A Model of Blended Learning of Russian Grammar in the Chinese University
- ---- National-Psychological Portrait of a Chinese Student Studying Russian Language
- ---- Neo-Gothic Trend in Contemporary American Teenage Literature (John August’s Arlo Finch Trilogy)
- ---- Innovative Approaches to Training Specialists in the Russian Language in China
- ---- English Literature for Children in Russian Translations (Review of the book: Goodwin E. Translating England into Russian. The Politics of Children’s Literature in the Soviet Union and Modern Russia. London: Bloomberg Publishing, 2020. 256 p.)
- ---- About the Monograph “100 Years of Karelian Literature” (Review of the monograph: 100 Years of Literature of Karelia. Time. Searches. Portraits / E. I. Markova, N. V. Chikina, O. A. Kolokolova, M. V. Kazakova. Petrozavodsk: Periodika, 2020. 432 p.)
- ---- Definitions of Poetry and Poetology of Transgression
- ---- From Feeling to the Metaphorical Portrait of an Emotive Concept (To the Problem of Developing Emotional Intelligence When Working with a Word)
- ---- Negation-Ambivalence in Russian: Form, Meaning, Functioning
- ---- The Play “Francesca da Rimini” by d’Annunzio: Translation Strategies of V. Ya. Bryusov and Vyach. Ivanov
- ---- RuTOC: A Corpus of Online Lessons in Russian as a Foreign Language
- ---- Syntactic Phraseological Constructions: Theoretical Interpretation from the Perspective of Bilingual Lexicography
- ---- The Content of Auto- and Heterostereotypes of Modern Russian and Chinese Students
- ---- Modern Tendencies of Teaching Russian Language in China
- ---- “I’m as Poor as He”: The Motifs of the Early F. M. Dostoevsky in I. S. Turgenev’s Comedy “Bachelor”
- --- Vol. 27 ⋅ №3
- ---- Chekhov in the Context of the Literary-Theatrical Culture of Iraq (A re- view of the book: Abbaskhilmi A. Ya., Larionova M. Ch. The works of A. P. Chekhov in Iraq: Receptions and Interpretations. Rostov-on-Don: Publishing House of the Southern Scientific
- ---- Encyclopedia of the Life of the Rus- sian Village: To the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of Vasilii Ivanovich Belov (Review of the book: Encyclopedia of “Privychnoe delo” [“The Usual Thing”] by V. I. Belov: monograph / S. Yu. Baranov, L. A. Berseneva, T. N
- ---- The Character of a Loafer in the Works by I. Beer, J. Von Eichen- dorff and I. Goncharov
- ---- “The Glass Bead Game” with Igor Volgin: A TV Show about Literature in Modern Culture
- ---- А History of Russian Literature: Foreign Scholars about the Russian Novel (A review of the book by Andrew Kahn, Mark Lipovetsky, Irina Reyfman, And Stephanie Sandler. A History of Russian Literature. Oxford University Press, 2018. 960 p.)
- ---- Category of Eventfulness in Interdiscourse
- ---- A Book about the Poet Veniamin Blazhenny (Review of the book: “My fate, madness, being...”: Proceedings of the Second international scholarly-literary readings, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the poet V. Blazhenny / Belorus. State un-ty; editorial
- ---- Connotative Potential of Deanthroponymic Semi-Suffixes in German
- ---- Linguocultural Image of Iran as a Constantly Changing Cognitive Space in Russian Language World Picture
- ---- The Lyrical Works of Lydia Khaindrova: Motif Specificity and Artistic Genealogy
- ---- Methods Resources for e-Learning Students of Philology
- ---- Blended Learning Model of Russian Language for Chinese Students
- ---- A Diachronic Description of the Rhetoric of the 18th Century
- ---- Proverbial Representation of Figurative Intertextuality in the Slovak Press
- ---- The “Resonant Space” of the Russian Classic Novel: N. S. Leskov’s “Neglected People” and F. M. Dostoevsky’s “The Idiot”
- ---- The Role of Theater Culture in the Pedagogical Discourse of the Smolny Institute in the Epoch of Empress Catherine II
- ---- The Novel by V. F. Odoevsky “The Year 4338: Petersburg Letters” as an Illustration of the Idea of a New Art
- ---- The Theme of “Hermitage” in Samuel Johnson’s Essay “The Vision of Theodore, the Hermit of Teneriffe, Found in His Cell”
- ---- Travelogues of Slovenian Female Writers and Their Themes
- --- Vol. 27 ⋅ №1
- ---- A. Akhmatova’s Poetry in 11th Grade: Experience in Creating Classroom Problem Situations
- ---- Real Everyday Grammar of Children’s Speech: A Corpus Study
- ---- Evolution of the Image of the Main Character in B. Akunin’s Fandorin Cycle
- ---- Gastronomic Text in Teaching the Russian to Foreigners: Semiotic Projection
- ---- Results of the International Scientific and Poetic Readings in Memory of S. I. Kormilov (June 5, 2021)
- ---- About the Origins of Socialist Realism in Germany
- ---- Metalingual Activity of the Addressee of Wordplay in the Dialogues of Artificial Bilinguals
- ---- Methodology for Teaching Slovaks Russian Indefinite Pronouns
- ---- Motifs of Apocalypse in I. S. Shmelev’s Novel “Sun of the Dead”
- ---- About Yu. Lotman and a Little about Structuralism
- ---- “He Was the Only Professor for Us...”: Yu. M. Lotman – Teacher and Scholar
- ---- “Under the Hill” by Aubrey Beardsley and “South Wind” by Norman Douglas: to the Problem of Reception
- ---- Underground Poetry of the 70s in Course of the Russian Language as a Foreign Language
- ---- Orthodoxy Inside-Out: How Certain Orthodox Ideas Are Reflected in Lev Tolstoi’s Religious Thinking
- ---- “Hundred Years Have Passed…” Formula of Time and Seme of Memory
- ---- Realistic Writing and Socialist-Realistic Canon: Artistic Experience of Vera Panova
- ---- A Semiotic Image of A. Pushkin in Mythopoetic Interpretation of M. Tsvetaeva
- ---- The Symbol of the “House” as a Driver of Linguistic Creativity in V. Shakhrin’s Song “From the War”
- ---- Tertium Non Datur: A Problem of the Ternary System in Yuri M. Lotman’s Semiotics
- ---- “Transcendental Homelessness” in Western Modernist Sonnets
- ---- A Urals Knight of Symbolism: The Case of Sergey V. Vinogradov
- ---- Yu. M. Lotman and the Problems of Theoretical Literary Criticism
- ---- Yu. M. Lotman and Contemporary Narratology
- ---- Yu. M. Lotman Forever Turned the Idea of the Text
- ---- Yu. N. Chumakov: Memories of Meeting Yu. M. Lotman
- -- 2023
- --- Vol. 28 ⋅ №1
- ---- Analysis of the Verbal Component of a Rock Composition
- ---- Author’s Lexical Occasionalisms as Means of Poetic Foregrounding
- ---- Bella Akhmadulina as a Cultural Myth Character
- ---- Jazz Strategies in the “July Intermezzo” by J. Brodsky
- ---- Ecology of Translation in the Age of the Anthropocene (A Review of the Book: Cronin M. Eco-Translation: Translation and Ecology in the Age of the Anthropocene. London: Routledge, 2017. 177 p.)
- ---- Philosophy and the Philosophers in Tom Stoppard’s Later Plays
- ---- Photoekphrastic Novel by Kate Morton “The Secret Keeper”
- ---- Futurology Aspect of Christmas Narrative of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak
- ---- Categorical Identification of Publicistic Constituents in D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak’s Early Essays
- ---- The Concept of Motherhood in the Prose of V. G. Rasputin: A Review of the Book by Ignatieva A. V. (2021) “The Eternal Women’s Question” in the Works of V. G. Rasputin
- ---- Forest Gothic of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak
- ---- Mythology of the Great Patriotic War in the I. Boyashov’s Novel “The Tankman or “The White Tiger””
- ---- What Do Village Household Head Names Tell Us about?
- ---- Optative Modality in Publicistic Discourse
- ---- Turgenev’s Novel ‘’Fathers and Sons’’ in Hungary: Topical Issues of Modern Perception
- ---- Russian National Character in the Historical Novel by D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak “Okhonya’s Eyebrows”
- ---- Semantics of Phraseological Units with a Floral Component
- ---- Substandard Form as a Cultural Code: From Newspaper Discourse to Fiction Text
- ---- Estate Life in Pasternak’s Novel “Doctor Zhivago”
- ---- Language Contacts and Transcultural Practices: From Idea to Hypothesis
- ---- The Expression of the Linguo-Cultural Category of “Openness” by French Phraseological Units
- --- Vol. 28 ⋅ №2
- ---- Bernhard and Jelinek: The Poetics of “Endless Tirades”
- ---- Diagnostics of University Students’ Lingua-Communicative Culture
- ---- A Book in Leonid Tishkov’s Art Project
- ---- Computer-Assisted Modeling as an Instrument for Fiction Text Analysis
- ---- Using Language Corpora in Building Learner’s Combinatorial Dictionaries
- ---- Color Vocabulary in “The Martian Chronicles” by R. Bradbury
- ---- Lexicostatistical and Sociolinguistic Aspects of Interviews on Reproductive Donation
- ---- Media Images of the Regions in the Project “Fairy-Tale Map of Russia”
- ---- Myth of the Lapse from Virtue in the Works of E. P. Rostopchina
- ---- Neyroset’ as a Keyword of the Current Moment
- ---- Podlubnova, Yu. S. (2023). “The Clouds Have Not Got White Yet...” (Review of Collective Monograph "Boris Ryzhy: Research and Materials" / edited by N. L. Bystrov and T. A. Arsenova. Moscow; Ekaterinburg: Kabinetnyi Uchenyi, 2022. 448 p.)
- ---- The Correspondence between L. N. Tolstoy and A. I. Herzen as the Culmination Point of Their Relationship
- ---- The “Middle Ground” Poetics in W. Scott’s Novels
- ---- Psychological Parallelism in the Lyrics of S. Petrov and V. Blazhenny
- ---- Reinterpretation of Fairy Tales in Anne Sexton’s Poetry
- ---- “Semiotics of the Visual”: Review of the Book “Russian Literature and the Poetics of the Visual” by G. P. Kozubovskaya (Barnaul: AltSPU, 2021)
- ---- “Rack Your Brains”: A Review of the Book by Mokienko V. M., Sidorenko K. P. (2021) Popular Expressions in Ilya Ilf and Evgenii Petrov’s Dilogy (“The Twelve Chairs” and “The Golden Calf”): An Explanatory Dictionary
- ---- Algorithm of Language Education at Non-Linguistic University
- ---- M. M. Prishvin’s Creative Heritage in the Context of Modern Humanitarian Knowledge (Results of the All-Russian Scientific Conference “M. M. Prishvin in the Context of Modern Humanitarian Knowledge” (February 3–4, 2023)
- ---- “The Pumpkin” by E. Horvat as an Artist’s Book
- ---- The Demythologization Language in E. Jelinek’s Novel “The Children of the Dead”
- ---- The Spell Code in Egor Letov’s Lyrics
- --- Vol. 28 ⋅ №3
- ---- Euphony in the Contemporary Stylistic and Methodological Perspective
- ---- I. Bunin’s “The Temple of the Sun” in M. Shcherbakov’s Collection of Poems “Time Off”
- ---- Heterotopia of the Estate in I. A. Bunin’s Prose
- ---- “Dreams” about Alcestis in the Context of Franz Fühmann’s Creative Evolution
- ---- Names and Images in the Novella “The Ghoul” by A. K. Tolstoy
- ---- The Category of Evocation in the Literary Text and Interdiscourse
- ---- Christian Motifs in the Collection of Poems by G. V. Ivanov “An Icon Lamp”
- ---- The Essay by A. A. Blok “The Last Days of Imperial Power” as Perceived by the Literary Criticism of the 1920s
- ---- Trauma and its Reflection in Juvenile Narrators’ Speech in E. Donoghue’s Room, M. Sacks’s All the Lost Things, and D. F. Wallace’s Infinite Jest
- ---- Under the Influence of I. A. Bunin: A. P. Klyagin’s Novella “Mamai’s Treasure Trove”
- ---- Transformations of History in A. Ivanov’s Novel “Pischeblok”
- ---- The Man-Made Apocalypse in the Play by A. Platonov “Noah’s Ark (Cain’s Spawn)” and A. Moore’s Graphic Novel “Watchmen”
- ---- “The Russian Forest” by Leonid Leonov: A Metaphor from the Perspective of Fractal Poetics
- ---- Northern Russian Nicknames Characterizing Individual Person’s Speech: Semantico-Motivational Aspect
- ---- The Moscow Episode of “Chevengur” by A. Platonov as a Novel in a Novel
- ---- Asserting Bunin’s Literary Reputation
- ---- Bunin’s Reception after the Nobel Prize
- ---- Linguistic Images of Egypt in the Lyrics of K. D. Balmont
- --- Vol. 28 ⋅ №4
- ---- The Biblical Heritage in the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” Edited by D. N. Ushakov
- ---- “Foreign” Word in an Explanatory Dictionary as a Fact of Language and Speech
- ---- Dynamics of Linguistic Consciousness in the Light of Lexicographic Data and Ergonyms
- ---- Dmitry Nikolaevich Ushakov as a Dialectologist
- ---- Two Centuries – Two Dictionaries: Semantic Nuances
- ---- Feminitives in the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” Edited by D. N. Ushakov
- ---- Phraseographic Conception of D. N. Ushakov
- ---- Researchers of Kostroma Dialects: In the Wake of the Moscow Dialectological Commission
- ---- Card Index of Abbreviations of the Unpublished “Ushakov’s Dictionary” of the 1920s
- ---- Lexical Objectivation of the Concept “Displaced Persons”: D. N. Ushakov’s Dictionary and Modern Lexicographic Practice
- ---- Linguistic Terminology in D. N. Ushakov’s Dictionary as the Reflection of Fortunatov School in Linguistics
- ---- Na Moskve-reke: In the Footsteps of One of the “Orthoepic Campaigns” of Dmitry Nikolaevich Ushakov
- ---- Language Neologization in Lexicography: Based on Ushakov’s Dictionary
- ---- On the Forgotten Card Index of the Unpublished “Ushakov’s Dictionary” of the 1920s
- ---- About the Meaning of Stylistic Litters of the Classical Dictionary for the Author’s Lexicography
- ---- “He Created a Solid School of Linguistic Thought”
- ---- Description of the Phraseological System Dynamics in Ushakov’s Dictionary
- ---- From Moscow Circle for the Scientific Study of the Russian Language to Moscow Dialectological Commission (1901–1904)
- ---- Correspondence of D. N. Ushakov with V. M. Istrin and E. S. Istrina in 1921–1934
- ---- The Theme of Pskov in the Works of the Moscow Dialectological Commission
- ---- “Russian Forest” by Leonid Leonov: Fractal Function of Metaphor in a Philosophical Social Novel
- ---- Sacred Vocabulary in the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” Edited by D. N. Ushakov
- ---- Syntactic Ideas of D. N. Ushakov: A Keeper of Fortunatov’s Traditions or a Scholar-Experimentalist?
- ---- Words Marked “kants.” in “The Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” Edited by D. N. Ushakov
- ---- D. N. Ushakov’s Dictionary in Chinese Russian Studies
- ---- Dictionary Entry as a Text: An Experience of Philological Hermeneutics
- ---- Ushakov’s Dictionary as a Monument of the Post-revolutionary Era
- -- 2024
- --- Vol. 29 ⋅ №1
- ---- The Epistemological Problems of Literary Postmodernism in the Philosophical Novels by Iris Murdoch
- ---- Phonetic Processes in Teaching Russian to Chinese Speakers
- ---- I. I. Levitan and His Literary Reflection in A. P. Chekhov’s Short Story “Misfortune”
- ---- “From Idea to Body”: Character Portrayal in Platonov’s Chevengur
- ---- Teaching Lyrics in the Modern School: A Theoretical and Literary Aspect
- ---- Iron Maiden’s The Man Who Would Be King and the Initial Short Story by R. Kipling: The Intertextual and the Archetypical
- ---- A. P. Chekhov’s Latin as an Instrument of Language Game
- ---- Literary Process in the Optical Prism of Isolation. Review of the collective monograph “Isolation as a Literary Situation” (Ural State Pedagogical University; editor-compiler A. V. Tagiltsev. Ekaterinburg, USPU, 2023. 346 p.)
- ---- THE MOSCOW EPISODE OF “CHEVENGUR” BY A. PLATONOV AS A NOVEL IN A NOVEL. Review of the article by N. P. Khriashcheva “The Moscow Episode of Chevengur by A. Platonov as a Novel in a Novel” (Philological class. 2023. T. 28, No. 3. P. 187–201)
- ---- Narrative Gapping in P. Auster’s Novel “4321”: Towards the Problem of “Nonnarrated” in Contemporary Narratives
- ---- Teaching Foreign Speakers Russian on the Example of the Life and Creative Activity of A. S. Grin
- ---- Teaching English Through Contemporary British Literature and CLIL: An Integrative Approach
- ---- Omar Khayyam as a Part of the Cultural Code in Arseny Tarkovsky’s Poem To Poems
- ---- Teaching a Second Foreign Language at a Modern Non-linguistic University: Challenges and Prospects
- ---- Speech Functioning of Russian Participles: Semantics and Pragmatics of Frequency
- ---- A Modern Story for Children: The Main Development Strategies (Based on the Material of the Book Series of the Publishing House “Volchok”)
- ---- The Plot of Iron Ore Rafting in the Works of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak and A. Ivanov
- ---- A Typological Passport of the Fictional Language “Newspeak”
- ---- Bernard Shaw’s Devil’s Disciple in Pre-Revolutionary Russia
- ---- Universal and Unique Characteristics of Chelyabinsk “Floral” Ergonyms
- ---- Werner-Siegedorf – Doctor Werner: About an Unnoticed Byronic Reminiscence in “A Hero of Our Time” by M. Yu. Lermontov
- ---- Scientific Marathon: German-Language Fiction of the 21st Century: The First Results (Samara, October 7, 2023)
- ---- Why Do We Need Creative Writing Tasks in Literature?
- ---- Genre Pedagogy in Teaching Academic Writing
- --- Vol. 29 ⋅ №2
- ---- A Boy “With a Golden Screw” and Other Extra Details in William Burroughs’ and Thomas Pynchon’s Novels of the 1960s
- ---- Deconstruction of the Socialist Aviation Discourse in the Traditionalism of the 1970s–1990s (on the Material of the Cycles “Zatesi” and “Tsar-Fish” by V. P. Astafiev)
- ---- The Dynamics of the Artistic Concept of The Star in V. Astafiev’s Prose
- ---- The Grammatical Corpus of Children’s Speech as a Tool for Studying Actual Gram-mar Skills of a Child
- ---- Results of the 25th All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference with International Participation “The Boundaries of the Genre: Canon and Modifications”
- ---- Conceptualization of Medical Activity in Russian Linguistic Culture: An Axiological Aspect
- ---- The Literary Process of the 20th – 21st Centuries: Search for Genre Identity
- ---- Methods of Lexicographic Description of Phonosemantic Units
- ---- A Linguistic Personality Model of a Bilingual Teacher of the Russian Language
- ---- The Nominative Strategies of the Addressee Manipulation in Naming Food Service Establishments
- ---- “I Am Writing to You... To Get Your Blessing” (Correspondence between D. N. Ushakov and F. F. Fortunatov of 1904–1908)
- ---- Exploration of the World of Childhood in the Short Stories by N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky
- ---- “...About the Great and Bitter Breadth of Life...” (M. Tarkovsky’s “Ocean Hotel”)
- ---- The Development of the “Short Story in Verse” Genre in Modern Poetry (Based on D. Danilov’s “How Subway Drivers Die”)
- ---- The Structure and Implications of O. Wilde’s Comedy “Lady Widermere’s Fan”
- ---- Cyclization Tendencies in the Prose of the Post-Soviet Abroad
- ---- Transformation of the Book Culture in Modern Dystopia: Fetish, Concept, Simulacrum
- ---- A Journey into the Invisible: Reception of the Myth of Oedipus in the Late 18th – Early 19th Century Russian Literature
- --- Vol. 29 ⋅ №3
- ---- “Author’s Self-Will” in Dramatic Transformations of the Plot about Medea in the 20th–21st Centuries
- ---- The Great Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language: Prospects of Electronic Realization
- ---- A Teenage Reader and Love Poet
- ---- The Plot of Railway Accident in the Short Stories by L. Frank and A. Polgar
- ---- Dictum-Modus Interpretations of the Source Text in the Unified State Exam Essays in Russian
- ---- The Dynamics of Change in Grammatical Cohesion of Some Russian Verbs
- ---- Characters vs. History in A. Ivanov’s Novel “Shadows of the Teutons”
- ---- Graphic Adaptations of Russian Literature
- ---- The History of M. Gorky’s Article for the Workers (Based on Archival Materials)
- ---- Л. М. Леонов: эстетика мысли. К 125-летию со дня рождения писателя
- ---- Mikhail Bulgakov’s World in Bettina Egger’s Graphic Novel “Moscou Endiablé”
- ---- Present – Past – Future in Russian: Connections and Oppositions
- ---- The Image of an Angel Child as Part of the Metonymic Composition of A. Platonov’s War Stories
- ---- The Fairy-tale Novella Before the Rooster Crows Thrice by Vasily Shukshin from the Perspective of Intertextuality
- ---- The Project “Diachronic Rhetoric: Language and Style of the Poetic Works by Feofan Prokopovich”
- ---- Monuments to Pushkin in the Context of Historical and Cultural Memory of Russia and Germany
- ---- The Semantic Opposition “Blagopoluchie – Neblagopoluchie” in Russian Collocations
- ---- The System of Parts of Speech in Russian and Chinese: Linguodidactic Aspect
- ---- The Theme of Surrogacy in Contemporary Novel
- ---- Distributed Language Theory in ESP Debates
- ---- Traditional Genres as an Object of Reflection in the Lyrical Poems of the 1920s
- --- Vol. 29 ⋅ №4
- ---- A Long Book Written in “Hectic Times” (a review of: D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak’s Letters with comments by B. D. Udintsev: in 2 vol. / compiling editor I. V. Yugov. Vol. 1: Letters to Relatives. M.: “Pero” Publishing House, 2024. 1086 p.: illustrated. In Russian
- ---- Dialogue with the “School Canon” in Modern Teen Literature
- ---- The Phenomenon of Interlingual Correspondences in the Light of Cognitive-Systemological Interpretation
- ---- On the Issue of Codification of Prepositional Constructions in the Russian Orthographic Dictionary
- ---- International Conference “The Time of Rid Grachev (In Memory of the Writer: 1935–2004)”
- ---- Cognitive Factors of the Study of Parts of Speech in the Practical Teaching of Russian and Chinese Languages
- ---- Commentary on French Epigraphs of A. S. Pushkin in the Practice of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language
- ---- The Megaproject of A. P. Chudakov and Its Implementation. Review of the publication: Chudakov A. P. A. P. Chekhov in Lifetime Criticism. 1882–1904. Bibliographic monograph-index. In 2 volumes. (Moscow: A. A. Bakhrushin Theatre Museum, 2022. Vol. 1. 520 pp
- ---- “Contested Territories”: Towards the Fall of the National Precedent Base
- ---- Prospects for Neuromodeling of Agonistic Dialogue in Learning English
- ---- The First Scientific Publication of a Work by F. Sologub: The Petty Demon in the Academia Publishing House
- ---- Quasi-modal Verbs in American English
- ---- A Description of the Essence of Language (Methodological Aspect)
- ---- Robert Edric’s The Book of the Heathen as a “Post-Colonial Response” to Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
- ---- The Roles of Communication Participants in Advertising Discourse: A Pragmalingvistic Aspect
- ---- Russian Language School Textbook: History and Perspective
- ---- Modern Pushkin Studies in the Media Discourse Communication Practices
- ---- The Image of the Flaneur in the Novels by Herta Müller and Matthias Nawrat: From Tradition to Postmodernism
- ---- The Synergy of Literary and Philosophical Discourses in the Epic Spider World by C. Wilson
- ---- Transfictional Experiments of Russian Mass Culture
- ---- Out-of-Class Reading: School Literary Classics and Ruslit Fandom
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